Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fly Repellent

We live in an agricultural area. We therefore, have lots of flies. In the spring and summer they reach plague-like proportions. I read a tip on how to keep them out of the house a while ago, and tested it, and have found that it really seems to work!

Near your front and back doors, place a vanilla scented car tree air freshener. It must be vanilla, since apparently flies HATE the scent of vanilla. They will no longer linger near the doorways, buzzing in each and every time someone goes in or out.

These work so well that I keep extras on hand to give to friends who visit and notice the lack of flies in my house.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm gonna have to make my own because of the artificial-ness of the car dangle things. But, as I was reading this post there was a fly buzzing around Sally Mae's oatmeal, so I put a tiny splash of vanilla into her oats (why did I never think of that back in the days when I was permitted to eat oats?) Fly is gone and vanilla oats SMELL WONDERFUL!!!