Monday, January 3, 2011

Watch those shelves!

We love to shop for Christmas and January. We haunt the clearance shelves in Target, going every day or two for the first week or so of the New Year. We usually take care of three or four birthdays with things that they did not get on Christmas that were on their lists. Target is generous in their clearancing this time of year.

We also go to Costco often. They seriously mark down any toy (and other items that are not regularly carried) that is returned. This year, we found $50 sets of Playmobil for $20 and a large Star Wars Lego set for just $10! We also found an illusion set that one daughter really wanted, but by the time she had saved enough for it, it was gone. One was returned and was only $9! She was so happy when we brought it home. Last year we were super-blessed to get the $120 set of Playmobil for $12!

Watch the clearance shelves especially after Christmas, and then again in the fall as stores prepare for Christmas. You may be able to get special things for much less!

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